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Acupuncture is a technique that inserts very thin needles into points where the flow of energy is concentrated in our body to control pain and to improve overall health including Internal medical problems, gynecological disorders, hormone regulation, nervous system, and suppression of side effects during cancer treatment. During this session, in addition to acupuncture, cupping therapy, elect... Read More

Acupuncture is a technique that inserts very thin needles into points where the flow of energy is concentrated in our body to control pain and to improve overall health including
Internal medical problems, gynecological disorders, hormone regulation, nervous system, and suppression of side effects during cancer treatment.
During this session, in addition to acupuncture, cupping therapy, electro-stimulation, moxibustion, and Tui-Na massage may be additionally used depending on the patient's condition.


Manual osteopathy uses manual techniques to balance the patient's bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles so that the body can heal naturally. In addition to osteopathy, unique Oriental techniques are added to relieve pain and help the body heal itself.

TCM Herbal Medicine

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Herb has been used for thousands of years in East Asian countries for the prevention and treatment of diseases. It can play a role in curing and preventing diseases by correcting the imbalance between visceral and energy caused by diseases. Many diseases, especially chronic conditions, are often difficult to treat with conventional medicine, but Chinese herbs ... Read More

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Herb has been used for thousands of years in East Asian countries for the prevention and treatment of diseases. It can play a role in curing and preventing diseases by correcting the imbalance between visceral and energy caused by diseases. Many diseases, especially chronic conditions, are often difficult to treat with conventional medicine, but Chinese herbs can produce satisfactory results.

Edward (Changil) completed his 5 year Doctor program in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at Pacific Rim College in BC. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Korea University and has been teaching Yoga and Tai Chi for 15 years. Edward has had the opportunity to diagnose and treat a wide variety of diseases in the fields of Internal medicine, Orthopedics, Dermatology, and Gynecology. He is especially interested in treating neurological, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal disorders, and mental-emotional issues. He has had successful treatment results using acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, cupping, and electro-stimulation acupuncture. During his treatments, he also integrates his knowledge and skills of yoga and Tai-chi.

Edward (Changil) completed his 5 year Doctor program in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at Pac... Read More

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Located at: 22 Spring Creek Dr. , #2, Waterdown
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